Repetitive Motion Disorders of the Hand & Wrist (Part 2)

Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs) refer to a wide range of medical conditions of the muscles resulting from repeated motions of the hand, wrist, fingers or arm. Typically these “RMDs” are caused by activities regularly performed in the course of your normal work or daily activities. During the pandemic, endless hour working from home, or attending school on line, can be a cause of Repetitive Motion Disorders.

In PART 1 of this article board certified hand srugeon Doctor Rehman discussed the types, symptoms and causes of Repetitive Motion Disorders of the Hand & Wrist. In this article we discuss how hand doctors treat these conditions.

Treatment of Repetitive Motion Disorders

It is important to obtain treatment for Repetitive Motion Disorders, even if you feel you “can live with them” – because RMDs can cause temporary or permanent damage over time.  Untreated Repetitive Motion Disorders can lead to damage of the soft tissues in the body, such as the muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments – as well as severe compression of nerves or tissue.

How Hand Doctors Treat Repetitive Motion Disorders

Treatment for Repetitive Motion Disorders will depend upon the type, degree and severity of the RMD. Hand Doctors initially begin by having the patient reduce or stop the motions that cause symptoms. If the activity cannot be stopped entirely, the patient will be instructed to take frequent breaks from the motion believed to be causing the problem.

Other treatment options for Repetitive Motion Disorders include:

  • Stretching and relaxation exercises
  • Ergonomic equipment such as chairs & keyboards
  • Icing the affected area
  • Medications such as pain relievers, cortisone, and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Splints that relieve pressure on the muscles and nerves.
  • Physical therapy

In more severe cases of Repetitive Motion Disorders, the hand doctor may recommend surgery to relieve the pain and other symptoms, and prevent permanent damage.

Hand Doctors’ Prognosis for Repetitive Motion Disorders

Most individuals with Repetitive Motion Disorders can recover completely, as well as avoid re-injury, by changing how they perform repetitive movements, reducing the frequency, and getting proper physical therapy and exercise of the affected limbs.

However, without proper treatment, Repetitive Motion Disorders can result in permanent injury and complete loss of function in the affected area(s).

Repetitive motion disorders should always be diagnosed by a specialized hand doctor, as the symptoms can be similar, but the treatment will be different, depending upon the disorder.

If you are experiencing hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder pain that could be caused by a Repetitive Motion Disorders, contact board certified hand surgeon Doctor Rehman.

Top Bloomfield Hills Hand Doctor

If you are suffering from an injury or pain in your fingers, wrist, elbow or arm, contact board certified hand Clarkston area hand surgeon Doctor Rehman for a comprehensive evaluation and consultation. As with most medical conditions, early detection, awareness, and a prevention or treatment plan is the most effective way to combat the effects of conditions like Repetitive Motion Disorders of the Hand and Wrist.

Doctor Rehman will assess your individual situation, and prescribe the treatments that are best for your condition.

Bloomfield Hills Hand Doctor: 248.940.5233