How Hand Doctors Treat Finger Joint Problems

We use our hands for everything – so when a joint becomes painful or stiff it can severely impact our daily life and our ability to work, as well as do the things we love.

Renowned Oakland County hand doctor Dr. Ali has helped thousands of patients get relief from thumb and finger joint problems. In this article we discuss the most common causes and best treatment options for finger joint problems.

What Causes Finger Joint Problems

In a healthy joint, the bones have a smooth surface on their ends made of a type of cartilage called articular cartilage. This sleek surface allows one bone to glide easily against the other in the “joints” where the bones meet. The joints are also lubricated by a thin layer of fluid that keeps the bones gliding smoothly.

Arthritis and some other conditions can cause the articular cartilage to wear out and/or result in insufficient amounts of joint fluid. The joints then become stiff and painful. Eventually mobility may be reduced and the joints may even become crooked or misshapen.

Finger joints can also be injured by crushing accidents – often occurring during an industrial accident or performance of a dangerous sport or activity.

How Doctors Diagnose Finger Joint Problems

The hand and finger joints are complex body parts comprised of a complex combination of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels. For this reason it is best to have any finger joint problems assessed by an experienced and board certified hand doctor.

When the hand doctor diagnoses of finger joint problems they will evaluate your symptoms and conduct a physical examination, as well as x-ray the joints. Blood testing is also sometimes conducted to help assess underlying disease, such as arthritis.

How Doctors Treat Finger Joint Problems

The optimal treatment hand joint problems varies from patient to patient. It will depend upon the patient’s age, hand dominance, type of employment, degree of pain, amount of function and mobility, and any underlying disease such as arthritis.

Both non-surgical and surgical finger joint treatment options are available.

Conservative, non-surgical treatments for finger joint problems may include: oral medications, natural joint supplements, joint injections, heat treatment, splinting, and/or hand physical therapy.

If non-surgical treatments do not provide sufficient relief of the patient’s pain and other symptoms, the hand doctor may need to consider surgical treatments. There are actually several excellent surgical options for finger joint problems.

Surgical treatments for finger joint problems may include surgical cleaning (“salvage”) of the joint to remove painful bone spurs or large amounts of inflamed tissue. In some cases fusion of the joint may be recommended by the hand doctor. And when significant joint destruction and/or deformity of the fingers is present joint replacement surgery may be the best treatment option.

Top Bloomfield Hills Hand & Finger Joint Doctor

If you are suffering from an injury or pain in your joints, fingers, wrist, elbow or arm, contact board certified Bloomfield Hills hand surgeon Doctor Rehman for a comprehensive evaluation and consultation. As with most medical conditions, early detection, awareness, and a prevention or treatment plan is the most effective way to combat the effects of conditions such as hand and finger joint problems.

Doctor Rehman will assess your individual situation, and prescribe the treatments that are best for your condition.

Bloomfield Hills Hand & Finger Joint Doctor: 248.940.5233