What To Do If You Think You Have a Sprained Wrist

If you suspect that you have a sprained wrist, it’s essential to take prompt action to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Sprained wrists are a common injury that can occur as a result of sudden twists or impacts to the wrist joint, often during falls, sports activities, or accidents.

However, because the symptoms of a sprained wrist can vary widely and may overlap with other wrist injuries, such as fractures or ligament tears, it can be challenging to self-diagnose the extent of the injury. This underscores the importance of seeking medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider, such as hand specialist dr. Uzma Rehman at Macomb Hand Surgery in Macomb County, for an accurate assessment and appropriate treatment plan.

In this article, Macomb County hand specialist Dr. Rehman discusses the what to do in the event of sustaining a sprained wrist.

What is a Sprained Wrist?

The bones of the body are connected by strong bands of tissue called ligaments. When any kind of injury occurs that causes a ligament to stretch or tear, it is called a sprain. Sprained wrists are among the most common types of sprains treated at our Macomb County practice.

The wrist is comprised of eight bones, attaching the hand and the forearm. For this reason, sprained wrists occur very easily. Since the wrist joint is covered by a joint capsule, and the bones are connected by ligaments, few areas of the body are as susceptible to spraining as the wrist. Sprained wrists can be painful, and are usually accompanied by swelling and tenderness.

Common Causes of a Sprained Wrist

At Macomb Hand Surgery in Macomb County, we understand that a sprained wrist can be a painful and inconvenient injury that can significantly impact your daily activities. There are several common causes of a sprained wrist, with one of the most frequent being a sudden twist or force applied to the wrist joint beyond its normal range of motion. This can occur during a fall onto an outstretched hand, a sports-related injury, or a car accident.

Additionally, repetitive movements or overuse of the wrist joint, such as those experienced by athletes or individuals who perform manual labor, can also lead to wrist sprains over time. Understanding the potential causes of a sprained wrist can help you take preventive measures to avoid injury and protect your wrist health.

Symptoms of a Sprained Wrist

Recognizing the symptoms of a sprained wrist is crucial for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Common symptoms of a sprained wrist include pain, swelling, and tenderness around the wrist joint. You may also experience bruising, stiffness, or difficulty moving the wrist, particularly when attempting to bear weight or perform activities that require gripping or twisting motions.

In some cases, a popping or tearing sensation may occur at the time of injury. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention promptly to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. At Macomb Hand Surgery, our team of experienced hand surgeons and therapists is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for wrist injuries, helping you recover and regain function as quickly and safely as possible.

Immediate Treatment of a Sprained Wrist

Immediate treatment for a suspected sprained wrist is crucial for minimizing pain and inflammation, as well as preventing further damage to the wrist joint. Begin by immobilizing the injured wrist using a splint or brace to limit movement and provide support. Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort. It’s important to wrap the ice pack in a cloth or towel to protect the skin and avoid direct contact, as prolonged exposure to ice can cause frostbite.

Elevating the injured wrist above heart level can further reduce swelling and promote circulation, aiding in the healing process. Additionally, over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be taken to help manage pain and inflammation. However, if the pain is severe or persists despite these measures, seek medical attention promptly for further evaluation and treatment.

How are Sprained Wrists Diagnosed?

An expert hand doctor like Dr. Rehman is the best person to diagnose sprained wrists. By reviewing the patient’s symptoms and conducting a physical exam of the wrist, she will collect the information needed to make a diagnosis. In some cases, potentially sprained wrists must also undergo an X-ray, in order to determine if any bones have broken.

How do Wrist Doctors Treat Sprained Wrists?

Sprained wrists usually don’t require surgery, but may need to be immobilized with a cast or splint to prevent further injury. Hand doctors like Macomb County specialist Dr. Rehman generally treat sprained wrists with ice packs, applied to the sprained wrists every 3 or 4 hours for 20 to 30 minute periods. This is usually continued for 2-3 days, or until pain subsides.

When seated, patients with sprained wrists should also elevate their wrist on the back of a chair or couch. And when lying down, sprained wrists should be elevated with a pillow. If necessary, Dr. Rehman will prescribe oral anti-inflammatory or other pain medication.

Sprained wrists can be strengthened through physical therapy or other exercises designed to promote strength and healing. Patients should also avoid physical activities like sports or rigorous physical workouts that put stress on their wrist until fully healed.

How Long is Recovery from a Sprained Wrist?

Generally, the recovery time for sprained wrists is proportional to the length of time symptoms have persisted before beginning treatment and rehabilitation. However, children and young people tend to heal the fastest.

Continued use of sprained wrists during the recovery period can result in permanent injury or damage. It is crucial that Dr. Rehman’s patient’s closely follow all instructions given for a swift and easy recovery.

Sprained Wrist Doctor – Macomb County

If you suspect your or your child are suffering from sprained wrists, do not hesitate to contact board Macomb County board certified hand doctor Dr. Rehman. She will provide a diagnosis and comprise a comprehensive treatment plan designed specially for you, to help you immediately reduce pain, prevent further damage or loss of mobility, and recover fully.

At Macomb Hand Surgery, our team of experienced hand specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for wrist injuries, helping you recover fully and regain function in your wrist.

With sprained wrists, the sooner treatment can begin, the better. Call today. Doctor Rehman will assess your individual injury, and prescribe the treatments that are best for your condition.

Macomb County Sprained Wrist Doctor : 248.940.5233